Johnny Keating All Stars - British Jazz
British Jazz
By The Johnny Keating All Stars
Very Good to Like New Condition. ( Includes original artwork inserts, jewel case, and CD. Shipped promptly in bubble wrap with free tracking to help ensure accurate and timely delivery.)
A Review:
You see signs of anti-Englishness in the strangest of places - why was thie "British" part of this called 'English" when originally issued but some moron decided it now has to be renames without the word English - even more strange when it was originally issued as 'English' when far more people described themselves as British and unlike today when the opposite is true. Johnny Keating was Scottish (obviously of Irish extraction) but he was obviously quite happy to use the title 'English',
Track Listing
1 Strictly for Kyx
Johnny Keating All Stars
feat: Johnny Keating
2 Fair Diana
Johnny Keating All Stars
feat: Harry Roberts
3 Quads Talk
Johnny Keating All Stars
feat: Harry Roberts
4 Impromptu
Johnny Keating All Stars
feat: Johnny Hawkesworth
5 Ultraviolet
Johnny Keating All Stars
feat: Johnny Keating
6 Gibraltar Rocks
Johnny Keating All Stars
feat: Johnny Keating
7 Good Life
Johnny Keating All Stars
feat: Johnny Keating
8 Snowface
Johnny Keating All Stars
feat: Johnny Keating
9 Last Resort
Johnny Keating All Stars
feat: Johnny Keating
10 Lazy
Johnny Keating All Stars
feat: Johnny Keating
11 Eddie Blairs Picnic
Johnny Keating All Stars
feat: Eddie Blair
12 Piccadilly Jumps
Johnny Keating All Stars
feat: Ivor Mairants