Joe Burke - Pure Nostalgia
Pure Nostalgia
By Joe Burke
Very Good Condition
From the small, dimly lit, smoke-filled nightclubs of London with piano accompaniment, to the grand concert halls of Europe, with full orchestra backing, Joe Burke has learned his craft well. The respect he has gained from musicians and audiences alike continues to grow.
Along with the ever-increasing number of lovers of the "standard classics," I trust that you, the listener, will enjoy Joe's treatment of the music composed by the great popular songwriters of this century.
About the Artist
Born to a musical family in Manchester, England, Joe Burkes talent for singing was always just one of those natural things. We always had a piano in the front parlor because my father was a pianist. Many a time he would finish playing in a pub and friends would want to continue the musical evening so they would bring two or three crates of beer back to our house and my father would play `til the wee hours of the morning. People have always asked me how I came to know so many standards. Since I slept directly above the parlor, I used to listen to them `til 3 in the morning.
Although formal lessons were not a part of Joes early training, he nonetheless was infatuated with music. Wherever live music was I wanted to go there. I couldnt wait for weekends because then I became alive. I would visit the local dance halls, which were huge places, full of people, all enjoying themselves, and there before your very eyes were the big bands with all the colored spotlights reflecting off their instruments. That was magic to me. Those were the best times of my life.
After two years in the British Army, Joe returned to Manchester and sought out his old haunts. He also started frequenting workingmen's clubs. Says Joe, they are huge clubs which cater to the working class, run by a committee of working-class people, and are indigenous to England like baseball is to the States. On weekends you cant move in their midst. Youd have a gig at one club, do 45 minutes, pack up and go to the next club, just a few miles away. Two gigs per night, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. This is where all the stars of England started -Tom Jones, Englebert Humperdinck, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones.
In his twenties, Joe decided to augment his natural talent by studying voice and piano, and also the vibes with a percussionist with the BBC. However, formal lessons were not to become a major part of his training: After work, this guy would gig around with his big band. He invited me to sing with his outfit because he didn't have a male vocalist. At first I was apprehensive, but I did it. Once I started with his band Im afraid musical lessons just went out of the window. It was this type of practical experience that led to the perfecting of Joes natural and unique style.
My voice is my voice, and my phrasing is my phrasing, says Joe, but the appreciation of other great vocalists is evident in Joes mastery of the melodic line and in his impeccable interpretations. He credits Tony Bennett, Jack Jones, Fred Astaire, and especially Frank Sinatra as being lifetime musical influences. In addition, the only great British singer to influence me was Matt Munro. I had the pleasure of working with him on several occasions and my respect for him grew as his career flourished.
Since leaving his 28-piece band in England and moving to the States, Joe has performed regularly with the Atlanta Pops Orchestra and has worked out with some local big bands in his adopted state of South Carolina. In addition to his live performances, Joe believes it is now important to commit his vast repertoire to Compact Disc. Revere Records, naturally, supports Joes decision, and looks forward to serving his growing legion of fans. Featuring: Joe Burke, Bill Hanna, Tom Hildreth, Rick Dior, and a 12 piece backing string section.
Track Listings
Disc: 1
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