Kaye Ballard - Kaye Ballard Sings Fanny Brice
Kaye Ballard Sings Fanny Brice
By Kaye Ballard
Very Good Condition
A Review:
A gorgeous collection of Brice rarities superbly rendered by Miss Ballard. The orchestrations are authentic-sounding and very well recorded with that mid-1950s, just-before-stereo sound. Miss Ballard's knows exactly how to put the numbers over, both ballads and knockabout comedy and gives you a real sense of Fanny Brice's performance style, with none of the Streisand mannerisms which, though delightful, are more Barbra than Fanny. She has a full, open-throated belting style very reminiscent of Judy Garland during the same era. My favourite tracks are the straight/dialect takes on Rose of Washington Square ('I got no future/ But, oy, what a past!'), the sweat-shop lament Song of the Sewing Machine and the hilarious Sheik of Avenue B ('His hugs and kisses scare 'em, He don't spare 'em/You should see his Hebrew harem!'). A classic.
Track Listings
Disc: 1
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