Robert F. Kennedy: The Myth and The Man
By: Victor Lasky
Good Condition
This RFK biography is thorough, funny, painstakingly researched and well documented. It covers RFK's entire life. It provides a much more complete picture than the typical fawning biography or documentary. There are numerous instances in this book where additional facts and research reveals some deficiency in well-known documentaries about RFK.
Most importantly, Lasky reveals RFK's reputation as an opportunist, seeking quick headlines from congressional hearings or other photo-ops while failing to solve actual problems. Lasky compares him unfavorably with his brother Ted. While we may disagree with Ted's politics, this book reveals that Ted had more of a reputation for working behind the scenes and doing the hard work to create legislation instead of going for quick headlines like RFK.
The book also includes some of the same details that were included in Lasky's (earlier) JFK book. But the details were more focused on RFK's role, including the campaign battles in 1960. The book describes the fights that RFK's aggressive campaign style created with other celebrities, such as Jackie Robinson.
There are other details that never made into some of the popular biographies or documentaries. That alone makes this book an enjoyable read.
Product details
Mass Market Paperback: 448 pages
Publisher: Trident Press 1968
Language: English
Library of Congress 68-28365
Package Dimensions: 6.9 x 4.2 x 1.1 inches
Shipping Weight: 3.0 pounds